Calories/Macros: 400 calories, 39.5g Protein, 36.2g carbs, 11.1g fat
"This tastes amazing!" -Nora, age 13
When you have food allergies, it takes some things off the table food-wise. Ice cream was one of the biggest hits to our family. Suddenly all of the varieties of ice cream were no longer safe for us. Then Anne and Jonathan, the owners of First In Nutrition introduced us to the Ninja Creami.
The Ninja Creami is LIFE CHANGING for everyone, but especially for those of us with food sensitivities. We can make ANY kind of ice cream, can customize it to our macro needs and we are saving a LOT of money in the process!
So without further ado, let me tell you how to make your own mint Oreo ice cream!
GF Mint Oreo Protein Ice Cream
370ml of soy milk
Optional (to make it green) 2g of spirulina
Ninja Creami This is the one I have. They also have a new Ninja Creami Delux model that can be viewed here.
Mixer of some sort (I use a hand-held whisker, like this)
Place the Tupperware on the scale and measure in your soy milk
Add in extract
Add in oreo casein protein powder
Mix with blender
Freeze for at least 6 hours, all of the way up to 24hrs. Make sure the bottom is on a flat surface when it freezes. I tend to make mine in the morning or by 12pm for an 8pm snack.
Remove from freezer and put into the ninja creami machine. Press light ice cream and let it blend.
Make a hole in the middle and put two Oreos inside.
Can either press mix-ins or re-spin. If it looks powdery I use re-spin, if it has an ice cream consistency already I use mix-ins.
Feel free to add extra toppings and ENJOY! If it is still powdery after two spins you have a few options. 1 add more liquid, 2. Let it sit on the counter for 5 minutes and spin again, 3. Keep spinning until it heats up enough to be the consistency you want.
Did you try our recipe? If so, leave a comment and let us know how you liked it!